In case you haven't noticed, dogs are smart and we need a job.  So we struck up a deal with those first humans. It's worked well for a few thousand years now and in more ways than I count.  For example, some of us herd sheep (well, someone's gotta do it.  Ever try to tell a sheep where to go?  Not the smartest sweater in the closet). Some of us do police work.  A few rescue kids when they fall down a well.  And others just visit with sick people and make them feel better.

I, personally, am a Setter and what we do is, um, set.  Being the superior nose in the team, we run ahead and find the birds, then point them out to our humans. They shoot, we fetch and there you are - dinner is served!  Here's my mom's* latest painting, all four of the setters as puppies, seeing their first quail and figuring out for the first time what they're supposed to DO.
And So it Begins
I have to be honest though - I'm not really into the silly critters.  All those feathers and bird poop, no thanks. I am much too refined for dashing through the bushes like a lunatic and messing up my beautiful coat.

My brother, on the other hand, who is a Gordon Setter, lives to hunt.  His brain is on bird drive and not much else...nope, not much else at all.  Apparently he got that way because he got bread in his jeans.  Well, sure, he'll eat anything but I can't say I've ever seen him wearing jeans.

So what is my own personal skill set?  I'll get to that next time.
Later, peeps
*Yes, I know she's  not my REAL mom, but I love her like one, so get over it.