I've known for a long time that birds weren't my thing.  When I was much younger, we went to a fun field day thing with a bunch of other Setters, all flavors, Irish, English, Gordon.  They sent us out with our people to see if we could find the birds they'd planted.  Boooring.  In case you're asking, yes, I found them.  And peed on them. 

All I really wanted was find an audience, so being a show dog was a huge thrill.  I positively floated round the ring. 
After that we did obedience for a while and then found rally.  Oh, what fun!  I'd throw stuffies in the air, zoom over the jumps over and over again, whatever popped into my mind.  But I'd always pose for a camera.

Every time we came out of the ring, people would say I was SO entertaining, which for some reason, didn't really thrill my mom.  But she couldn't complain.  I was the first Irish Setter on the west coast to get a Rally Novice title and the first in the country to get a Rally Excellent.

But then we discovered freestyle and everything else was forgotten.  I found my true talent.  I am a dancin' dog!  I get to strut and flash and twist and spin.  And to music!  I perform with a group called Appawse, plus I have my own solo routine, dancing to "In The Mood."  It just doesn't get much better than that.

Later,  peeps.

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